Happy Father's Day: A Tribute To Dads Who Are Simply Out Of This World
I gave my dad a $100 ang pow and said: "Pa, buy yourself something that will make your life easier." So he went out and bought a present for my mum.
Dads are the greatest, and here on Wonderwall.sg, we've had more than our fair share of father-figure features. So, to commemorate Father's Day, here's a round-up of some of the coolest and most inspiring patriarchs on this Little Red Dot. Dad jokes not included. Promise.
Happy Father's Day!

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I mean, come on lah, the power father-son duo doesn't get more tok kong than this. The "defender dads" in this inspiring list have been role models not only to their own flesh and blood but also the soldiers assigned to their watch - in the air, on land, and at sea.

READ THIS These Good-Looking Dads On SG TikTok Have Made Simps Out Of All Of Us
Was your dad once a "daddy" too? <bites lower lip> There was trend on TikTok last year to make a video out of old photos of dad to show what a hunk he was in his heyday. We round up the ones that will make you react the most.

READ THIS This Dad Next Door (And Dad Of Four!) Makes Perfumes For A Living
Jason Lee - entrepreneur, father of four, and “The Perfume Man” on Instagram – is the man behind SIX, an artisanal fragrance label that launched in 2016. Its mission: to promote mental wellness through the sense of smell. His fatherly advice to his kids should they decide to follow in his footsteps: "Find your purpose and manifest it in your works. Remember to give back. And giving back is not just about making a donation, it is about making a difference."

READ THIS Nothing Says How Awesome Dad Is Than Posting About It
Had enough of people humble-bragging on social media? Find respite in this list of people who have legit bragging rights for having dads that are legit cool, inspiring, aww and awesome. We're talking about a Reddit user who proudly posted about his father's stunning miniature-model skills, and a national marathoner who not only works out with his dad but served in the same unit during their respective NS stints.

READ THIS Spotify Spotlight: These Local Musician Dads Are Lit
If there's any field that would be chock-full of decidedly cool dads, we're pretty certain it would be the music industry. And here are three very cool ones who fit the bill: Shabir, ALYPH and MICappella's Goh Mingwei.

READ THIS Father's Day: These SG Dads Are Killing It In Real Life And On Instagram
An MMA fighter, an RSAF pilot and a Korean school head honcho are among those in our list of Singaporean dads who are raking in the likes and views on Instagram, and bringing all the good vibes of fatherhood to our feeds.
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