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Claiming Our Right To Health On World Health Day 2024

When diplomats convened to establish the United Nations in 1945, among the topics on their agenda was the creation of a global health agency. The World Health Organization’s Constitution was officially adopted on 7 Apr 1948, marking a historic milestone in global health governance. This significant date is now commemorated annually as World Health Day (7 Apr), symbolising the ongoing commitment to promoting health and well-being worldwide.

As we approach World Health Day this year, it’s imperative to reflect on the state of global health and the challenges we face as a collective humanity. This year, the theme for World Health Day is “My Health, My Right”, focusing on championing the right to quality health services for everyone, everywhere.


The state of global health in 2024

Around the globe, millions are facing threats to their right to health. Whether it’s diseases, natural disasters, conflicts, or environmental degradation, the barriers to accessing healthcare are significant and diverse.

Conflicts, for instance, not only result in physical injuries but also inflict psychological distress and disrupt access to essential services. Meanwhile, the burning of fossil fuels not only exacerbates the climate crisis but also pollutes the air we breathe, claiming a life every 5 seconds due to indoor and outdoor air pollution.

Despite at least 140 countries recognising health as a fundamental human right in their constitutions, many are falling short in implementing laws and policies to ensure universal access to healthcare. Shockingly, more than half of the world’s population, approximately 4.5 billion people, were not fully covered by essential health services in 2021.

End goal: Health for all

This year’s World Health Day serves as a reminder of the urgent need to address these challenges. “My Health, My Right” encapsulates the essence of advocating for equitable access to healthcare, education, information, safe drinking water, clean air, adequate nutrition, quality housing, decent working conditions, and a healthy environment. It also calls for the elimination of discrimination in healthcare services.

Achieving health for all requires concerted efforts from governments, policymakers, healthcare professionals, and individuals alike. Governments must prioritise the enactment and enforcement of laws that safeguard the right to health for all citizens. Policymakers need to allocate resources effectively to ensure the provision of quality healthcare services, especially to marginalised communities.

Healthcare professionals play a crucial role in delivering accessible and culturally competent care to all individuals, irrespective of their backgrounds. Moreover, individuals must be empowered with knowledge and information to make informed decisions about their health and well-being.

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