Funny CNY Videos For A Truly Happy Lunar New Year
There's been too much sighing and complaining and frowning and angst this past year. Do you even remember what the last Lunar New Year celebration was like? Wait. Do you even remember what day it is? Haiz.
Never before have we needed a better reason to LOL. According to Professor Emeritus Sven Svebak of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology: "A friendly sense of humour will bless you with better social relations as well as coping skills, and the reduced risk of dying early."
You heard that? And you can trust the words of an expert who has studied the health impact of humour for more than 50 years.
So, lai lai, here are some videos to bring on the giggles - and extend your lifespan!
1. From dirty dishes to prosperous rhythms
Ahem, we have to kick off with our own video of course. This guy turns his resentment and reluctance to clean up the dirty dishes into the familiar Chinese New Year tune, "贺新年" ("He Xin Nian", which means "celebrate the Lunar New Year").
2. It's all in the familiy
Singtel follows up the funnies from last year's comedic offering, "His Grandfather's Road" with this year's "My Grandmother's House" - same cast some more! Funny is funny, and this one is a hilarious and brilliant showcase of local talent.
Call Me Steady | Chinese New Year 2021 Short FilmIt has been a year since COVID-19 changed our lives, and we are celebrating Chinese New Year differently this year. Let's celebrate safely, stay united and look out for one another. Steady?
Posted by on Friday, 29 January 2021
3. SG United and kampung spirit going strong
It can't get more neighbourhood than this:'s Chinese New Year 2021 short film entitle "Call Me Steady" is chockfull of overacting, cheesiness and aww moments. Yes, amid the hilarity, our gahmen drives home the more sobering stay-home-stay-safe, Singapore Together, help-one-another message of staying vigilant amid this pandemic. Throwing in an auntie character always helps!
4. Recognise any of these characters in your own clan?
This is an oldie (from 2015) but goodie. I mean, the best people to laugh at are ourselves - or, at least, our own family members - right? And then, suddenly, there's this moment:

We'll never look at our aunties, or indeed, a love letter, the same way again. Thanks ah, cheokboardstudios, thanks.
5. What did I just watch?
Local music composer and producer Don Richmond gyrates in a traditional Tang suit and stuffs his mouth with bak kwa, a rubber snake and pineapple tarts. Plus, the song is horrendously catchy.
6. Direct translations, bad rhyming
In the description of this video, Malaysian comedian Douglas Lim says: "A lot of non-Chinese speakers usually have no idea what Chinese New Year Songs are about. I hope this video sheds some light. I basically researched and translated most of the classic CNY Songs and compiled the most recurring themes into one song."
7. Random, epic, super extra
Like No. 5, this entertainingly extravagant production comes from across the Causeway. It was produced by Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia's largest electric utility company. No wonder got money to make something so OTT lah!
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