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For SLTC Danny Poh, Chairman, Show Committee, building relationships on the journey leading up to NDP is just as important and meaningful as NDP itself. IMAGE: NICK CHEE

He Gets People Mission-Ready Both In The Army And For NDP 2024

On 9 Aug, as part of National Day Parade (NDP) 2024’s Show segment, over 3,000 performers, including students, community groups, and first-time participants will descend on the Padang in all their costumed glory to celebrate Singapore’s 59th birthday.

Apart from them, many more individuals, including those in the Creative Team, have been working tirelessly behind the scenes to create this extravaganza, not least the Show Committee’s head honcho, Senior Lieutenant Colonel (SLTC)* Danny Poh, who likens his NDP 2024 role to his day job as Commander, 7th Singapore Infantry Brigade (7 SIB).

We speak to the 42-year-old father of two girls (Keira, 11, and Kaylia, 8) about the highlight of his NDP 2024 journey, what it means to be uniquely Singaporean, and being an aspiring home cook.

(From left) Chief Guards Officer Brigadier-General Wilson Low (who is Chairman of the NDP 2024 Executive Committee), Lieutenant-General LG (Ret) Winston Choo (Singapore’s first Chief of Defence Force), and SLTC Danny Poh at a celebration earlier this year commemorating 45 years since the Guardsmen of the Singapore Army were first issued their khaki beret. | IMAGE: FACEBOOK/@OURSINGAPOREARMY

Tell us more about your day job, and how it has prepared you for this role in NDP 2024 as Chairman, Show Committee?

I'm responsible for the mission, and the men and women of 7 SIB. What we do in the SAF is very similar to what I'm doing for NDP right now. I can use that construct for a mission, I can use that construct for NDP.

It's really about bringing people and resources together to try to achieve an outcome together, and, in the process, build teams, build relationships. I believe that the journey and the process are as important as the end state.

The Voices of Singapore intergenerational and inclusive choir. | IMAGE: NDP 2024 OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS

Performers from Soka Gakkai Singapore in costumes designed by Max Tan that light up. | IMAGE: NDP 2024 OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS

Chapter Five of the Show segment concludes with 700-strong Soka Gakkai Singapore performers forming “The Embrace”, three embracing hearts of intergenerational care and love. | IMAGE: NDP 2024 OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS

What’s been the highlight of your role in NDP 2024?

As Chairman, Show Committee this year, I’ve really enjoyed bringing people together – more than 3,000 participants, new faces, new artistes, new partners.

NDP, fundamentally, is about our people; it’s for our people and by our people – people from all walks of life, of varying abilities, race and age, coming together to put on something special for Singapore on 9 Aug.

On a day-to-day basis, I interact with the team and the participants, and across committees – those are the things I look forward to, those are really my highlights because people are the reason we have NDP.

The Parade and Ceremony segment will feature an impressive 35 marching contingents, bringing together over 2,100 participants. | IMAGE: NICK CHEE

Which aspect of NDP speaks to you the most?

Even though I am Chairman, Show Committee this year, it's really about the Parade and Ceremony for me. I'm a soldier, and that segment has really resonated with me over the years because it’s a reflection of our country’s strength, unity, and resilience.

This year’s NDP revolves around not being alone, and standing together. How do these themes resonate with you?

Nation building is a never-ending journey. We’re always in the process of building a brighter, better Singapore, and we can only do this if we come together as one united people. And that is really our theme this year – to bring Singapore forward, to create a Singapore that we want, a Singapore where everyone can be the best versions of themselves.

The Show segment’s fourth chapter is food-themed. | IMAGE: NDP 2024 OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS

What is the most Singaporean thing about you?

Just yesterday, I was at a kopitiam near my residence, and I went to one stall and said to the uncle, “Selamat pagi uncle, one nasi lemak please.” Then, to the drink-stall aunty, I said, “Aunty, 你好, 咖啡 siew dai.” And I realised, it’s only in Singapore where you can walk into a coffeeshop, place an order in three different languages, and have it understood in one single sentence. And this is what is so unique about being a Singaporean.

Food is the theme of Chapter Four in the Show segment. When that idea first came up, it immediately resonated with everyone in the room. The message we're trying to bring out? It's really about diversity, people of different races, different beliefs, sitting down at the same table, sharing food. Food has the power to bring people together.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

I enjoy cooking for my family. I would like to do more of that, but I don't think I have the time to do so right now!

Nice! What’s your speciality?

I love stews, I love steak, but somehow that passion has not yet translated to winning over fans – not even my wife and kids! <Laughs>

SLTC Danny Poh (front row, centre) with the Creative Team and a handful of the 3,000 performers who will take to Padang on 9 Aug. | IMAGE: NICK CHEE

Based on your experience, what’s your best piece of advice for the next Chairman, Show Committee?

That's a tough one! I think… we should keep an eye on the end state and also be focused on the whole process and journey. Many years down the road, [those involved in putting the show together] may not remember what the show was about, but they will remember their whole experience, what they felt on this entire journey of NDP.

This is something we aim for – that everyone in the team (the ones behind the scenes, those at the Padang, the participants) walks away from NDP with a positive experience, and achieves a high from knowing that we put up a wonderful show for Singaporeans on 9 Aug.

*SLTC Danny Poh was promoted to the rank of Colonel (COL) Danny Poh with effect from 1 Jul 2024.

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