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Learn how to unwind on holiday without completely abandoning your love for deets and spreadsheets. IMAGE: UNSPLASH

Type-A Traveller? Here's A Guide To Planning A Stress-Free Trip

Hey there, fellow Type-A planner. If you’re anything like me, a holiday isn’t just a getaway – it’s a project. The Type-A traveller in me takes pride in planning a vacation, right down to the finest deets. Spreadsheets, itineraries timed to the minute, and lists (so many lists!) have been my secret to unforgettable holidays around the world. Everything’s accounted for so that I don’t miss out or waste precious leave days wandering aimlessly.

Lately, though, work’s been so consuming that I’ve got barely any energy left to plan a holiday. I’m recognising signs of burnout, which means it’s time for a getaway to recharge. But how do I make it happen without turning something I once loved into a chore?

I did something no Type-A traveller would ever do – I embraced spontaneity. Here’s how I planned my chill trip, with as little stress as possible:

Short and sweet is the way to go

This chill approach works best for shorter trips, like a weekend or a 3-to-5 day escapade at most. That way, it’s easier to keep things light and flexible. With less time, there’s no pressure to tick off a massive list of activities.

Start with loosely defined goals

As Type-A travellers, we always have a goal in mind. But instead of listing out every sight, restaurant, and activity, I chose a few broad goals to guide my trip. The idea is to have some direction, without rigid plans, because going in with zero plans feels like a rebellion against every fibre of my being.

For example, if I’m heading to Bali, instead of scheduling a temple visit at 9.30am followed by brunch at popular café, my goal might be “explore some temples and eat good food”. This gives me the freedom to decide where and when as the mood strikes.


Block out downtime (yes, seriously!)

The thought of having downtime in my itinerary is usually a no-no. But with a different purpose in mind now, I’ve started leaving gaps instead of cramming every day with back-to-back activities.

Think of it as me-time: lounging by the pool (or beach), wandering through a local market, or sitting in a park with a snack watching the world go by. When you stop seeking satisfaction from productivity milestones, it can be just as therapeutic to stare into the horizon and let your mind empty while a gentle breeze strokes your hair.

Plan (just a little) around must-do activities

Ok lah, I can’t go on a trip without planning at least a little bit. But instead of pre-booking everything in advance, I’ve learned to be more flexible. I reserved the die-die “must-do” experience – like visiting an art exhibition I’d been eyeing – but left the rest of the time open to explore. I’m glad I did because I stumbled upon a quaint bakery serving yummy bakes I wouldn’t have planned to visit.

I still got the satisfaction of checking something off my list, but with enough wiggle room to change plans if something better came along. A little planning, a lot of freedom – the perfect compromise for a Type-A traveller looking to take things down a notch.

Delegate the job to someone else

Our Type-B travel mates love us for a reason because they never have to lift a finger –the trip’s planned for them! So why not flip the script and let them take the reins? Give them some parameters, like strict no-no’s or your budget for “fun stuff”. Then sit back and watch the magic unfold. The secret? You’ve got to let your Type-A self loose for a day and embrace the Type-B way. (Sorry, husband.)

Remember, you can always go back

Here’s a truth bomb for Type-A travellers: you don’t have to see everything in one go. You can always go back! Whether you’re visiting Bali for the first time or making your fifth trip to Bangkok, there’s always going to be something left undone. And that’s okay.

By reminding myself that you don’t have to “do it all” in one trip, you can take the pressure off and simply enjoy the experience. So, if you miss that one restaurant everyone’s raving about or skip the latest attraction, just remember – you can return always return. And that takes the urgency, and the stress, out of the equation.

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