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Paddle into Marcus Lee and Tan Jing Wei’s journey of teamwork, perseverance, and navigating life’s waters together. IMAGES: MARCUS LEE AND TAN JING WEI

Kayaking And Couplehood: A Singaporean Love Story On The Water

Kayaking has taken a special place in the hearts of Marcus Lee and Tan Jing Wei, a Singaporean couple who have bonded over their shared love for the sport.

From overcoming the challenges of complex manoeuvres to learning the value of teamwork, this dynamic duo proves that paddling together isn't just about synchronised strokes but also about navigating life as partners.

Their journey in kayaking reveals lessons that go beyond the waters, seeping into their professional and personal lives.

Marcus (right) joined the kayaking course that Jing Wei had signed up for to spend more time with her. | IMAGE: MARCUS LEE AND TAN JING WEI

A shared beginning on the water

Jing Wei, 29, a web intelligence analyst, was the first to be drawn into kayaking. She credits her father for fostering her love for outdoor activities from a young age.

“I was keen to further pursue kayaking ever since I got my 1-star kayaking cert in Secondary School, but I never found the time to do it,” says Jing Wei.

The right opportunity came when her younger brother signed up for a PAssion Wave 2-star kayaking course, and Jing Wei eagerly joined in.

Marcus, 30, a software developer, initially joined the course to spend more time with Jing Wei.

“I signed up for the 2-star course with her because if I hadn’t, I wouldn’t have been able to see her for the next two weekends! But the course was so fun that we quickly signed up for the 3-star course together,” he says.

The couple relies on mutual encouragement when they face challenges out at sea. | IMAGE: MARCUS LEE AND TAN JING WEI

Balancing challenges and teamwork

Although kayaking is now a significant part of their lives, Marcus and Jing Wei, who are engaged, agree that it hasn’t changed their relationship fundamentally.

“Kayaking has become a new talking point for us, but without it, we would’ve still found other topics to talk about,” says Marcus. Jing Wei echoes his sentiment, adding that kayaking has simply broadened their options for experiences, especially when travelling overseas.

The couple’s kayaking journey hasn’t been without its challenges. Training for the 3-star kayaking certification tested their resilience and technical skills.

“The 3-star coaches at PAssion Wave @ Pasir Ris were strict with our assessment, so getting the skills down was a must,” says Marcus. Despite the pressure, they found strength in each other, leveraging their different strengths. “I’m better at the dynamic strokes, while she’s better at the static strokes,” says Marcus.

When faced with tough situations, the couple relies on mutual encouragement, albeit in their unique way.

“I just keep paddling, and I tell her to do the same!” says Marcus. Meanwhile, Jing Wei, who has a military background, will ask Marcus to sing marching songs, a form of motivation that he finds puzzling yet endearing. 😅

Kayaking has emphasised the importance of communication and patience in the couple's relationship. | IMAGE: MARCUS LEE AND TAN JING WEI

Navigating disagreements on the water

Like any partnership, Marcus and Jing Wei occasionally face disagreements, especially when executing technical manoeuvres during kayaking.

“Sometimes, we disagree on what is the best way to execute a technique, but at the end of the day, they are technical disagreements,” says Marcus explains. Jing Wei adds, “The way that he explains things can sometimes be too technical.”

Yet, even in the heat of an argument, Marcus shows care and consideration. “When we were on our 32km expedition, we got into an argument, and he still put on my favourite music on his speaker,” Jing Wei recalls.

The couple also faced a near-miss during a channel crossing with other kayakers. Jing Wei backed the leader’s call to push forward, while Marcus felt they should have waited.

Despite Jing Wei’s insistence, they managed to cross safely, though a tanker narrowly missed Jing Wei’s father. This incident underscored the importance of communication and patience in their relationship.

Through kayaking, Jing Wei and Marcus have deepened their connection with nature. | IMAGE: PASSION WAVE

An environmental awakening

Beyond their personal growth, kayaking has also deepened Marcus and Jing Wei’s appreciation for nature and environmental conservation. They’ve taken to picking up trash they find in the water, and their creativity in reusing found items is inspired by the kayaking community at PAssion Wave, which, incidentally, is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year.

“Marcus and I took a few plastic float balls and attached them to our waterproof handphone cases so that they would remain buoyant if we capsized,” Jing Wei says.

Marcus adds, “Kayaking has a very ‘use what you got’ mentality.” The couple’s environmental consciousness extends beyond the water, influencing their daily habits and encouraging them to be more mindful of waste.

Kayaking has emphasised the importance of communication and patience in Jing Wei and Marcus' relationship. | IMAGE: MARCUS LEE AND TAN JING WEI

Life lessons from the kayak

Kayaking has imparted valuable lessons that Marcus and Jing Wei carry into their daily lives. For Marcus, kayaking is a reminder of the importance of perseverance. “Always moving forward, however slow it is,” he says, adding that the sport also serves as a great stress-reliever for him.

Jing Wei, on the other hand, has learned the significance of breaking down daunting tasks into manageable steps. “Sometimes it may feel like the end goal is really far away, but as long as we keep paddling, even if we slow down, we’ll eventually get there,” she says.

More importantly, kayaking has reinforced the couple’s commitment to each other. "The relationship or life lesson that kayaking has taught me is that we need to stick together through thick or thin,” says Jing Wei. “If not, we can’t reach back to the shore!”

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