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We're talking about a flag made of ang ku kuehs, mass hand signing of the national pledge, the longest line of people walking with the Singapore flag, and more! IMAGE: UNSPLASH

National Day-Related Feats That Made It Into The Singapore Book Of Records

Happy birthday Singapore! To celebrate 59 years of independence, we look back at some of the record-breaking National Day-related feats that have been achieved over the years.


9 August 2023: Largest group to complete Coast-to-Coast Trail together

What better way to celebrate National Day than by exploring our country's green spaces on foot? On this day, Tampines Central Community Sports Network (CSN) organised a group of participants to hike NParks' Coast-to-Coast Trail, which spans a distance of over 40 km.

Of the 51 participants, 43 successfully completed the hike from Jurong Lake to Coney Island, with the youngest participant aged 10 years old and the oldest participant aged 60.

28 July 2023: Largest Singapore map made of coins

Students and staff of West Grove Primary School contributed 6,230 coins' worth of spare change to create a massive map of Singapore, measuring 1.8m by 2.9m. The coins were later donated to the Children's Cancer Foundation.

5 August 2022: Largest collection of National Day-themed kampung games

To commemorate Singapore's 57th birthday, Sport Singapore invited various community partners including preschools PCF Sparkletots, My First Skool, and M.Y World Preschool to reimagine traditional kampung games with a twist while incorporating National Day elements, such as national colours, icons and songs.

The best 57 games were chosen and published in a collection online, with a curated selection of the games subsequently being played at the National Stadium on 5 August 2022 by over 1,000 preschool children and educators.

8 August 2018: Largest mass "Reach Out for the Skies" dance

Here's a blast from the past: Reach Out for the Skies was the NDP theme song from 2005. In 2018, teachers of Northoaks Primary School adapted the song's lively choreography and practised it with the students.

Subsequently, on 8 August that year, 831 students, staff, and parents performed the dance with red and white ribbons dangling from their wrists.

Also 8 August 2018: Largest National Day dikir barat

Students and staff of Bartley Secondary School spent weeks practising singing and coordinating hand movements for a unique English rendition of dikir barat (a style of Malay choral singing that incorporates elements such as song lyrics, poetry, movement and music).

During the school's National Day celebrations on 8 August 2018, 813 participants presented their own version of the Malay tradition, incorporating the 2002 NDP song "We Will Get There".

28 July 2018: Largest gathering of most dog breeds

The Watten Neighbourhood Committee invited residents with 53 different breeds of dogs to attend a mass gathering at Bougainvillea Park on 28 July 2018. This paw-some achievement was undertaken to celebrate both Singapore's 53rd birthday as well as the Year of the Dog.


8 August 2017: Most number of people signing the national pledge simultaneously

To better understand hearing-impaired people and create a more inclusive environment, Radin Mas Primary School students spent several weeks learning basic sign language.

On 8 August 2017, before the school's National Day celebrations, 1,458 pupils recited the Singapore pledge together via hand signing.

23 July 2017: Largest display of handpainted Singa figurines

Braddell Heights CC bought several of the white SG50 Singa figurines that were distributed at NDP 2015. Over the course of several months, residents and community partners came together to colour, paint and personalise these figurines.

1965 of the hand-painted figurines were displayed at the CC's National Day light-up event on 23 July 2017.

9 August 2014: Largest national flag formed by angkukuehs

Using 2,300 red and white ang ku kuehs, members of Changi Simei CC's Youth Executive Committee (YEC) created a tasty Singapore flag measuring 2.7m by 3.3m.

Arranging the sticky kuehs was no mean feat, as the volunteers had to remove the banana leaves under each kueh before adding them to the flag formation.

3 August 2014: Longest line of people walking with the national flag

349 Sembawang residents gathered at Block 786B Woodlands Drive 60 on the morning of 3 August 2014 for a short walk around the neighbourhood – carrying national flags tied together in a continuous chain.

Aside from the standard large-sized flags, several of the participants were also carrying smaller flags and conveying their enthusiasm by sounding clappers and whistles.

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