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NDP 2024 Creative Director Brian Gothong Tan, a trained animator, is known for his cutting-edge works in theatre, film, and installation art. IMAGE: NICK CHEE (MAIN) AND NDP 2024 OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS (INSET)

It's His Creative Direction That Brings The NDP 2024 Show To Life

This year’s National Day Parade (NDP) 2024 at the Padang is all about celebrating Singapore's unity and diversity, with a glittering Parade and Ceremony segment, and a Show segment filled with awesome mass displays, mesmerising multimedia effects, inspiring short films, and, of course, NDP songs, both nostalgic and new.

More than 3,000 performers from all walks of life, including students, community groups, and first-time participants, will congregate for a Show that is divided into a pre-parade segment and four chapters, each telling a story about Singapore's past, present, and future, using themes of:

  • work (a tribute to the hard labour and commitment of Singapore's early pioneers)
  • eat (in praise of the Lion City's delicious cuisines and diverse cultures)
  • heart (a segment anchored in our efforts to be a more caring and compassionate society)
  • dream (a celebration of our collective efforts for a better, brighter road ahead)

In an effort to make NDP 2024 an immersive 360-degree experience, a cool asymmetrical stage has been designed, incorporating LED screens galore, so that attendees (who will be wearing LED wristbands that light up in sync with the show) will feel closer to and a part of the spectacle.

The brilliant mind steering the creative vision for this year’s NDP Show belongs to Brian Gothong Tan, a leading local creative known for his cutting-edge works in theatre, film, and installation art. He was the Director of Film and Visual Effects for NDP 2009, 2011 and 2016, Youth Olympic Games Opening and Closing ceremonies in 2010 as well as SEA Games 2015.

We have a tête-à-tête with the 43-year-old, who tells us about bringing Singapore’s biggest celebration to life, his passion for the arts, and his childhood dream of becoming an animator at Disney.

What have you learned most from being NDP 2024’s Creative Director, and how has it helped you level up as a creative?

I think working on a national level is quite different from working on my own projects, which are quite experimental. I've learned how to put across a message without dumbing it down, and how to cater to the masses without becoming stereotypical. I've tried to apply that in my own works as well, reaching out to the masses without compromising your own artistic vision.

What has been the most rewarding thing about your role in NDP 2024?

Working with the people I like! The Creative Team – these are collaborators I've worked over the years, like Kaylene Tan, who’s the scriptwriter, and Noorlinah Mohamed, who's the creative producer. I respect all these people. It's been such a joy working on such a huge project like this, to really challenge ourselves to create something that is meaningful for Singaporeans.

What aspects of this year's Show speaks to you the most and why?

There are a lot of things about the Show that I really like. Singaporeans are very multicultural, but we've always been quite conservative in our representation. We've always been a port city even before colonial times, so we should always embrace this constant flow of people and ideas and cultures coming onto this island. I felt like I could push the boundary a bit in this NDP and challenge the norm.

Speaking of pushing boundaries, how does your work as a multimedia artist help you in directing a massive show like NDP?

I'm a trained animator, and animation is all about control - you have control down to every frame. But when you're working in a huge endeavour like this, you really must trust your collaborators, and my collaborators are fantastic people.

For example, I’m not just working with Andy Benjamin Cai, who is the Chief Choreographer. There are many choreographers under him as well. You trust that they will also listen to your vision and interpret it. That was a big learning experience for me, and I really grew as an artist in that sense.

Was being in animation your dream job growing up?

Yes! Well, when I was young, my dream was to work in Disney. I went to the California Institute of the Arts (Cal Arts), which was set up by Walt Disney Studios. But when I was there, I discovered that it's quite hard to break into the animation industry. Surprisingly, I discovered other forms of art - video, film and even theatre. When I came back to Singapore, I started doing interdisciplinary works.

Do you enjoy the work you are doing now?

I mean, there's always an animator part of me where I like to work in isolation! But it gets lonely and sometimes your ideas dry up, and when you work with other people, you learn more, you exchange ideas.

I enjoy working with people. In primary school, I did silly little plays, and would force my classmates to act with me and rehearse during recess. Then in secondary school, it just got bigger!

I don't like to act on stage. I like working behind the scenes, writing the play, and doing the lighting design.

The Show segment of NDP 2024 will feature more than 3,000 participants and multimedia effects galore. | IMAGES: NDP 2024 OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS

How does this year's NDP theme "Together, As One United People" resonate with you?

The theme of "people" is very important to us. I think it's something that Singaporeans can relate to, because if you really look at it, Singapore is a small island with no natural resources. Why did our forefathers and mothers come to this island? It's really about the people. We made this island come alive. And so “Together As One United People” is a very apt title that we felt would resonate.

What's your favourite memory of NDP ever?

The first NDP that I attended in Primary 5 when I was 11 years old. It was not the actual day; it was a preview*. But I remember it so vividly. Just seeing all the military forces out - they were so clean and disciplined, and the marching was so great. That was just mind-blowing for a young child. It's kind of stayed with me all this time.

*Fun fact: Brian was featured on the cover of The Sunday Times, 28 Jul 1991, attending the NDP preview!

Singapore's diverse cultures and delicious cuisines are the theme of Chapter Four. | IMAGE: NDP 2024 OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS

We love that one of the chapters in the Show segment is food-themed! What's your favourite food?

This is a tough question. It changes by the week! I just had very good mee siam in Bras Basah. Last week it was laksa. I like spicy food, generally.

What's your best piece of advice for future NDP Creative Directors?

My tip is to be truthful about how you feel about Singapore, and you'll never go wrong with that.

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