A Checklist If You Plan On Driving Into Malaysia
On 1 Apr, our land borders with Malaysia will finally reopen after two years. Time to reunite with friends and relatives, makan to our stomach’s content, and satiate our long-suppressed wanderlust.
The best part: unlike taking flights, driving across the Causeway doesn't require you to take a pre-departure test. As long as you’re fully vaccinated, you can drive across the causeway (kids under the age of 12 don’t need to be fully-vaccinated).
If you're not sure what to do or bring before you hop into your car and head off to JB, refer to our checklist below - there's one to refer to before you head to Malaysia, and another to take note before returning to Singapore. Happy travels!
CHECKLIST: S'pore to M'sia ➡️

1. Bring your passport
It's very duh to mention this, but you never know when brain farts can happen... and make sure it is not expired ya! (The passport, not the brain fart.)

2. Download the MySejahtera app
It’s like TraceTogether, but for Malaysians. You can upload your vaccination deets here. Sign up for roaming with your telco so you're always connected to mobile data. Download the app at the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store.

3. Buy the EZ-Link x Touch 'n Go card
You’ll need a Touch 'n Go card to pay for the checkpoint and highway tolls in Malaysia. We highly recommend that you head to 7-11 and buy the EZ-Link x Touch ‘n Go Motoring card - it can hold both SGD and MYR. You can buy the card at these 7-11 outlets.

4. Apply for a VEP
Drivers: Apply for a Vehicle Entry Permit (VEP) on the Malaysian JPJ website. Tip: Make things easier by downloading the PDF of your log card from LTA for submission.

5. Buy travel insurance
Non-Malaysians: Buy travel insurance that covers COVID-19. It is not clear on the Malaysian customs website if you need this for land travel, but in any case, it’s great for your protection, in case you suay-suay kena infected.
CHECKLIST: M'sia to S'pore ➡️
And here's a checklist before you return to Singapore:
- Your passport!
- Complete your SG Arrival card online within three days before returning to the Singapore checkpoint. Yes, Singaporeans too.
- Foreign-registered cars must have valid Vehicle Entry Permits (VEP) applied from LTA.
- Non-Singaporeans: Verify your Digital Vaccination Certificate (DVC) on the SafeTravel website’s Vaccination Check Portal. You will also need to download TraceTogether.
We know you cannot wait for the good makan, but you don’t have to rush to JB on the weekend of 1 Apr – give chance lah to Malaysians who want to reunite with their families first. The curry mee and lok lok won’t run away.
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