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Want to score a second date? Plant a garden, start recycling, and stop buying bottled water IMAGE: UNSPLASH/DEVAL PARIKH

Sustainable Swiping: For Gen Z And Millennials, Eco-Conscious Dating Is A Green Flag

In this day and age, not separating your recycling could be a red flag. According to a new survey by Bumble, 1 in 3 Singapore singles (aged 18-41) not only care about living an environmentally sustainable lifestyle, but want their prospective partners to care about it as well. 

This aligns with the app's findings that young singles increasingly prioritise values-driven dating. Which makes sense - we can only imagine the arguments that would arise when one partner insists on washing and reusing plastic takeaway containers, while another insists that to do so is a waste of time. 

Regardless of how strongly you care about the environment (or not), 'Green Dating' certainly lends itself to romance - after all, there's no reason why sparking a flame should set fire to the planet. In the spirit of World Environment Day today (June 5), try these eco-friendly ideas on your next date: 

Embark on a romantic bike ride
Singapore has cycling routes galore, so leave the gas-guzzling car behind and embark on a romantic bike ride. Explore secluded trails, discover charming neighbourhoods, or even cycle beneath the moonlight. Not only will you enjoy quality time together, but you'll also reduce your carbon footprint! To extend the date (and reward yourself for the exercise), plot a scenic, green-filled cafe into your cycling trail!

Explore a farm
Embark on a culinary adventure at one of Singapore's local farms. Stroll hand-in-hand, support local farmers, and indulge in a rainbow of fresh, organic produce. Challenge each other to find unique ingredients and later create a delectable farm-to-table feast together.

"Whoops, I can't cook..." 
Lacking culinary abilities? An environmentally-friendly restaurant might be your best bet. In Singapore, we've got everything from carbon-neutral ice cream, to net-zero F&B, to fine dining restaurants that source their fare from urban farms. 

Go treasure hunting at the thrift store
Who doesn't love a dress-up date? Instead of indulging in fast fashion, explore secondhand shops, vintage boutiques, or local flea markets, where you can unearth hidden treasures and get creative with upcycling projects. You can even spend time selecting quirky items for the people you love (or for each other!). From finding retro outfits to repurposing old furniture, let your imagination run wild while giving new life to forgotten items.


Plan a zero-waste outdoor picnic at Marina Barrage
We might not have a lot of stars in Singapore, but we do have a gorgeous city skyline. And with its grassy knoll and sweeping views,  Marina Barrage offers the perfect spot for a  romantic picnic. Swap disposable plates for reusable ones and curate a picnic basket brimming with locally sourced, organic delights. Seek out a picturesque spot in a picturesque spot and bask in the moment while while savouring guilt-free bites.

Volunteering not only benefits the environment but it also strengthens your bond as a couple. It could involve cleaning up a beach, planting trees, or participating in a community garden project. And in Singapore, making a difference is both easy and accessible!

Activate your green thumbs
Tap into your inner plant mum/plant dad and spend the day tending to a community garden or creating a small herb garden at home. Get your hands dirty, learn about sustainable gardening practices, and enjoy the satisfaction of nurturing life together.

Take a stroll in nature
Singapore is home to several nature reserves and park trails that offer opportunities for hiking and birdwatching. Visit places like MacRitchie Reservoir, Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, or the Southern Ridges for a green-filled date. Don't forget to bring your own water instead of buying it bottled!

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