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Joining the UN officially recognised Singapore as a sovereign and independent nation on the global stage. IMAGES: PEXELS (LEFT) AND UNSPLASH

On This Date In 1965, Singapore Joined The United Nations

Fifty nine years ago today (21 Sep), Singapore became the 117th member of the United Nations (UN), marking a major milestone in our journey as a sovereign state.

On 3 Sep 1965, just weeks after separating from Malaysia, Singapore submitted its application to join the UN. Under the UN Charter at the time, new members had to be sponsored by two Security Council members, and required a two-third majority vote at the UN General Assembly.

Malaysia (a non-permanent member of the council) was the first to declare its sponsorship, fulfilling a promise by then Malaysian Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman on 9 August 1965 to support our admission to the UN. The other countries that sponsored Singapore were the UK, Jordan, and Ivory Coast.

In his speech to the UN General Assembly, then-Minister for Foreign Affairs S Rajaratnam called it a “momentous occasion.” He stressed how important peace, cooperation, and respect for sovereignty were to Singapore – values we continue to uphold today.

SAF Peacekeepers deployed for the UN Mission of Support in East Timor in 2002. | IMAGE: FACEBOOK/@MALIKIOSMAN, MINISTRY OF DEFENCE SINGAPORE

The UN requested Singapore provide a military adviser to the UN Special Mission in Afghanistan, and LTC Lo Yong Poo became the SAF's first Military Adviser to Afghanistan in 1999. | IMAGE: FACEBOOK/@OURSINGAPOREARMY

IMAGE: SPF personnel at a peacekeeping mission in Namibia. | IMAGE: SINGAPORE POLICE FORCE

Singapore’s role in the UN

Joining the UN wasn’t just about getting a seat at the table. Over the years, Singapore has played a key role in shaping international discussions on everything from environmental issues to global trade. We’ve chaired major UN conferences and even served as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council in 2001 and 2002.

Singapore’s also been active in UN peacekeeping missions, sending over 1,500 Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) and Singapore Police Force (SPF) personnel to join 15 missions in Namibia, Cambodia, Iraq, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Nepal, Ethiopia, East Timor and South Africa since 1989.

SPF personnel have been involved in frontline policing, investigations, and training. SAF personnel took on roles like military observers, medical officers, and even election supervisors. Some SAF personnel have also taken on management positions in the UN’s Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) and the Department of Field Support (DFS), playing a key role in ensuring peacekeeping efforts run smoothly.

The location of Singapore Changi Airport was decided in the 1971 Concept Plan, drawn up with assistance from the UN. | IMAGE: UNSPLASH

Technical assistance

Did you know that Singapore’s early development got a boost from the UN? We tapped on World Bank loans for 14 projects, including the Port of Singapore, the Pasir Panjang “B” Power Station, and the National University of Singapore.

We also worked with consultants and urban planners from the UN Development Group (UNDP to create the 1971 Concept Plan, which was a guide to our country’s physical development despite our limited land resources. This resulted in deciding the location of Changi Airport, building the MRT, and our expressways.

The future looks bright

Singapore’s involvement with the UN continues to thrive. In 2015, Singapore signed an MoU with the UN to develop a real-time system to track UN peacekeeping casualties.

Fast forward to the UN’s 75th anniversary on 21 Sep 2020, then-Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong marked the occasion with a video message, highlighting Singapore’s ongoing commitment to the values of the United Nations.

Just a few days later on 26 Sep, Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr Vivian Balakrishnan delivered Singapore’s National Statement during the General Debate at the 75th Session of the UN General Assembly (YouTube video above), reaffirming our nation’s dedication to multilateralism and global cooperation.

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