Aesthetic Doctor By Profession, Street Dog Rescuer By Calling
To make sure he could devote all his time to Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD), a volunteer-run organisation dedicated to the welfare of Singapore's street dogs, Dr Siew Tuck Wah quit his job as an aesthetic doctor in 2015.
The result of his passion and dedication: SOSD rescues up to 30 street dogs a month, and rehomes up to 25 of them.
"I really hope that in five to 10 years' time, the number of stray dogs in Singapore will reduce tremendously," says Dr Siew, president of SOSD. "All of them, hopefully, will be adopted into good homes. In doing so, there will be less suffering for them."
Find out more about SOSD here. Meanwhile, here are some pictures from SOSD's Instagram to make you go awww:
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