One United People: Singaporeans Stand Together Against Wuhan Coronavirus
While the ongoing Wuhan coronavirus outbreak may be frustrating and worrying, the situation has also seen Singaporeans banding together in the face of this threat to our community.
From ordinary citizens encouraging each other to stay strong to an outpouring of gratitude towards healthcare personnel and even a song paying tribute to frontline workers, here are some ways that our nation has come together during these troubled times.
Reddit user u/cyanokind rallied fellow Redditors to show solidarity during this period and asked for ideas to show frontline workers encouragement.
Showing appreciation for our frontline workers as SG grapples with Wuhan virus from r/singapore
Meanwhile, digital media expert Pat Law was one of many Facebookers who acknowledged the extra hours put in by healthcare workers.
Here's to our medical folks of Singapore working on the overdrive this trying period. Thank you for protecting us.
Posted by Pat Law on Friday, January 24, 2020
The Reservist, a Facebook group comprising ex-SAF regulars and NSmen, urged their followers to remain calm, with this message and the video below:
"It’s easy to get caught up in the media frenzy over the Wuhan virus. So here’s a reminder that we faced a similar threat in SARS back in 2003, and beat it (with our SAF playing quite a significant role). If we can come together again and do what’s required of each of us, we will defeat the Wuhan virus this time too. In 2020, that means observing proper hygiene and NOT contributing to all the fake news online that’s been spreading even faster than the virus itself. Do your part, and trust each other to do his/hers too. Together, we will get there! #Wuhanvirus"
It’s easy to get caught up in the media frenzy over the Wuhan virus. So here’s a reminder that we faced a similar threat in SARS back in 2003, and beat it (with our SAF playing quite a significant role). If we can come together again and do what’s required of each of us, we will defeat the Wuhan virus this time too. In 2020, that means observing proper hygiene and NOT contributing to all the fake news online that’s been spreading even faster than the virus itself. Do your part, and trust each other to do his/hers too. Together, we will get there! #Wuhanvirus
Posted by The Reservist on Tuesday, January 28, 2020
In addition to thanking frontline workers for their ongoing efforts, the Singapore Kindness Movement urged netizens to show consideration for others by refraining from spreading fake news about the virus.
A big thank you! to our frontline friends in the healthcare and travel industries who are spending this Chinese New Year...
Posted by Singapore Kindness Movement on Thursday, January 23, 2020
Remembering the unified fight against SARS in 2003, Minister for Defence Dr Ng Eng Hen praised the professionalism and personal sacrifice of the healthcare workers and other frontline personnel putting themselves at risk to battle the Wuhan virus.
All of us should be rightly concerned about the spread of the Wuhan virus in Singapore. As a member of the SARS combat...
Posted by Ng Eng Hen on Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Minister for Home Affairs and Law K Shanmugam also expressed thanks towards immigration officers for their efforts in handling the influx of travellers during the CNY season.
[ Duty and Dedication ] There has been a 4th confirmed case of the Wuhan virus in Singapore. Appreciate the efforts...
Posted by K Shanmugam Sc on Sunday, January 26, 2020
In addition, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong lauded the flight crew who kept things running smoothly on his flight home from Zurich even with the additional complication of the ongoing virus outbreak.
Thanks to the SQ345 crew who looked after us on our CNY flight home from Zurich yesterday! In the midst of CNY and the...
Posted by Lee Hsien Loong on Saturday, January 25, 2020
President Halimah Yacob encouraged Singaporeans not to spread falsehoods and rumours, but instead to rebut and squash them immediately.
Dear Singaporeans, We are facing a global health crisis now with the spread of the novel coronavirus also known as the...
Posted by Halimah Yacob on Tuesday, January 28, 2020
The vigilance of a cleaning staff member wiping down HDB letter boxes with antiseptic wipes didn’t escape the eye and gratitude of opposition leader Pritam Singh.
Yusuf: Keeping us Safe —————————— Dropped into the Town Council office at Blk 136 Bedok Reservoir Road before starting...
Posted by Pritam Singh on Wednesday, January 29, 2020
On a lighter note, local Peranakan Alvin Oon, who always has a way with words with his parodies, turns Simon and Garfunkel’s “Sound of Silence” into a call to work together to fight and beat the virus.
Mandopop stars JJ Lin and Stefanie Sun collaborated on a poignant song which pays tribute to the efforts of frontline staff. Written by Stefanie and sung by JJ, the song titled "I'll Stay With You" reminds frontliners that they are not alone.
And now, on online marketplace operator Carousell, heroes in the community are giving away masks to those in need.

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